Women and Youth Advancement Inc. -


Illustration of a Shadow

Stronger together.

With generosity of spirit, we create circles,business trainings, ​collaborate and find support that guide our evolution towards all ​forms of empowerment & access to opportunities.

Socio-Economic Inclusion, Diversity & Gender Equality

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We are non-partisan ​& non-governmental

but are all about

women & youth

Women and Youth Advancement Inc. ​(WOYA) is a non-profit organization ​dedicated to eradicating the impact of ​discrimination, socio-economic ​exclusion and gender-based limitations ​on teenage girls, women and youth of ​marginalized communities.

Our Mission

We believe we can mitigate the effects of gender bias and societal disparities on teens, women, and youth ​within marginalized communities through the following initiatives:

~ Empowerment Forums: These forums are designed to provide empowerment and foster economic ​connections through basic business training and professional solutions.

~ Building Resonant Friendships: By promoting effective communication and utilizing circle technology, ​we aim to create partnerships and friendships that transcend barriers and borders.

~Influencing Progressive Change: by encouraging more teenagers, women, and youth to participate in ​grassroots collaborative positive social actions, such as voting/election processes and involvement in ​business or school boards, to drive progressive change.

~ Utilize effective new paradigms for disseminating relevant gender mainstreaming strategies and ​information through the media.

Our vision is to create teens, women & youth empowerment circles in marginalized communities

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in pursuit of a society free of disparities.

A young creative start up team sharing business ideas

We train


To start small ​businesses and

reduce inequalities

We dismantle

old paradigms


And become a more ​inclusive society by ​our shared action

Teammates with Hands Together

We’re stronger


To create collaborations ​that are consistent

with multilateral ​commitments in best ​practices for women & ​youths in marginalized ​communities

we Respond


To develop gender

mainstreaming strategies

and gender responsive ​planning for ​development

Women Protesting Together

We stand


To provide

information for

empowerment ​partnerships

The Problems:

  1. Discrimination: Teenage girls, women, and youth from marginalized communities face ​discrimination.
  2. Socio-economic Exclusion: These groups experience socio-economic exclusion, limiting their ​access to opportunities.
  3. Gender-Based Limitations: Gender-based limitations hinder their personal and professional ​growth.

The Solutions Our Projects Provide

  1. Effective Communication: Creating platforms for open and effective communication to address ​and overcome discrimination.
  2. Support Circles: Establishing support circles to provide emotional and practical support, mental ​health and wellness checks, fostering a sense of community and belonging.
  3. Collaborative Partnerships: Building partnerships to leverage resources and create more ​opportunities for marginalized groups.
  4. Empowerment Trainings: Offering training programs to equip individuals with the skills and ​knowledge needed to overcome socio-economic barriers and gender-based limitation. Our ​programs focus on integrating AI into small business practices to simplify processes, drive ​efficiency and innovation for members of BIPOC communities.

Strategic Alignment

  • Discrimination: Addressed through effective communication and support circles, which help ​individuals share their experiences and find individual and collective solutions.
  • Socio-economic Exclusion: Tackled by providing access to opportunities through collaborative ​partnerships and empowerment trainings, which equip participants with the necessary tools to ​succeed.
  • Gender-Based Limitations: Mitigated through empowerment trainings that focus on skill development ​and growth solutions, enabling individuals to break free from traditional gender roles.

Our vision is to create teens, women & youth empowerment circles in marginalized communities

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Our Team

in pursuit of a society free of disparities.

Women and Youth Advancement Inc. (WOYA) is a 501(c)(3) public charity located in the state of New ​York. It carries out its mission for the empowerment of teens, women and youths within marginalized ​communities (regardless of race or creed) in America.

WOYA is fundamentally committed to creating forums for open, non-judgmental effective ​communication where truth, veneration and support can be shared amongst participants on their ​human rights, on access to development opportunities and on the endless possibilities open for ​positive social action through individual and joint concerted efforts.

Judith Snell (President/CEO)

Judi is a proponent of the synergy of for-profit and non-profit sectors, and has taken the Landmark Forum Curriculum on ​Extraordinary Achievements in Manhattan NY. Specializing in account and brand management, marketing, sales, and ​customer success, she also thrives as a business owner.

Judi is not only dedicated to her current initiatives but also looks to the future. She aims to spearhead AI integration and ​efficiency initiatives for non-profits and small businesses. Dedicated to equipping startups with the tools they need to thrive ​while keeping things simple, Judi offers dynamic training sessions and tailor-made business solutions that drive growth and ​innovation. Simultaneously, she fosters non-judgmental circles and motivational forums, creating spaces for inspiration and ​collaboration.

In her spare time, Judi is an avid reader, a budding author and loves her DIY’s. Actively involved in fundraising walks and ​international conferences, Judi contributes to causes close to her heart. Some of those that stand out to her are Social ​Watch’s First Poverty Eradication and Gender Equality Conference in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, World Urban Forum(4) in ​Vancouver, Canada, and as a citizen diplomat with Global Citizen Journey to build Nigeria’s Niger Delta Friendship ​Library in Delta State.

Judi's story encapsulates a tireless commitment to effecting positive change, blending activism with professional excellence, ​personal passions, and a vision for the future.

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Marilyn Rosenbrock Nyborg (Board Member)

Marilyn Nyborg, a successful business owner and high tech recruiter in Silicon ​Valley for 25 years, co-founder of Gather the Women Global Matrix and ​Indivisible Women, Founder of Gather the Women of Nevada County, Women ​Waking the World, is a master networker with 45 years of connections in ​women's leadership and women's circles.

She is a Speaker and Tele-Seminar Leader, and Producer of a video: The Book of ​Jane: The Story of Woman. Marilyn has taken her lifetime of experiences in ​Sacred Activism to develop an international network to restore feminine ​wisdom, values and influence in the service of all life.

She is committed to a world that creates change in cultural values, personal ​choices, and policies worldwide that shift humanity's consciousness from ​separation and domination to integration and unity. Check out her book on ​Sacred Activism here: A Women's Guide to Sacred Activism:: How Do We Move ​Forward?

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Joyce Brown-West Ikiriko

(Board Member)

Joyce is a petrochemical engineer by training. She went into ​education after her industrial training with Shell BP Oil. ​Although, she has a deep love for all things petrochemical ​engineering and a desire to understand more about oil and gas ​production, she didn’t work within that sector for long. This is ​because, upon closer scrutiny, she realized that it’s impact on the ​environment and on the livelihood of indigenous people yielded ​societal violations that were extremely disappointing.

She holds a masters in Educational Administration and Planning

and is the founder and owner of a successful Montessori private ​School.

Joyce holds an additional B. Th in Pastoral Studies. She is a an ​Associate Pastor with Foursquare Gospel Church and a lifetime ​member of Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship.

Joseph C. Stanle​y

(Board Member​)

It became clear from an early age that Joseph had an extremely ​inquisitive mind and was a voracious reader. He read National ​Geographic, the Economist and all sorts of historical works in his ​spare time as a teen. As a youth, he became a closet activist: choosing ​mostly to keep private his opinions of perceived injustices on ​different areas. His ability to listen patiently and analytically allows ​him to adeptly offer simple yet objective solutions from a big picture ​viewpoint.

As a real estate investor with a strong professional background in ​Finance, Joseph focuses on value investments and LBOs.

He dedicate​s​ his efforts to studying and making observations on the systems that​ underpin societal injustice and environmental pollution, w​ith the intention of offering workable solutions that yield adequa​te results and better outcomes.

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Today, Joseph believes that he can lend his voice and assistance in areas that would be beneficial to individuals from ​marginalized communities.

Advisory Committee

Folasiyun Ogunti

Siyun brings a multifaceted background to the ​table. Initially, she worked as a Financial ​Services Advisor, where she honed her expertise ​in financial matters. In addition to this, she ​actively engaged in supporting refugees, ​facilitating their access to crucial counseling ​services and community networks. Through her ​involvement in volunteer work within ​humanitarian services, Siyun cultivated a ​profound understanding of various cultures and ​a firm dedication to fostering inclusivity and ​diversity. This breadth of experience enables her ​to adeptly navigate cross-cultural nuances and ​forge meaningful connections with individuals

from diverse backgrounds.

With a robust educational foundation in international studies and history, Siyun demonstrates a ​knack for dissecting intricate geopolitical issues and devising effective solutions to intricate ​diplomatic challenges.

Kristin Raphaela Otti

Kristin's overarching vision includes collecting and translating stories, myths, and wisdom from diverse ​cultures for future generations.

Pearl Harry

PEARL, with over a decade of dedicated experience in ​Human Resources, has cultivated a profound passion ​for social justice that permeates every aspect of her life. ​As the owner of a boutique firm specializing in payroll ​and HR services, she blends her expertise with a ​commitment to fairness and equity in workplace ​practices.

Outside of work, Pearl finds solace in nature, which ​recharges her and enriches her holistic approach to life ​and business. She is also an avid reader, exploring ​diverse subjects that deepen her understanding of ​society and social issues

Through her multifaceted interests and expertise, Pearl ​embodies a balance of professional acumen and ​personal values, actively contributing to both her ​community and the broader pursuit of justice and ​knowledge.

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Circles of Influence and P2E​ forums ​

are conceived to​

1. Create a global community network​ linking women from different parts of​ the neighborhoods and world to share​ knowledge, stories, experiences and to​ exchange ideas or perspectives for​ growth and healing. ​

2.To create more access to empowerment​ opportunities within marginalized​ communities​

3.Facilitate personal contact among​ women and youth of marginalized​ communities, sensitizing them on best​ practices, providing opportunities for​ networking with women of similar​ counties or communities through​ participation in joint activities. ​

4. Promote research, training,​ documentation and dissemination of​ information on gender policies, diversity,​ equal opportunity and development​ strategies for overcoming community​ disparity impact. ​

Teens Seminal Circles (TGB) : is a circle-​centric process that enables each ​participant to be both a part of and ​within the circle as listener-speaker. ​Within these circles, we create a ​conceptual framework of veneration and ​drive with adherence to compassion, ​mindfulness, mental health support, ​leadership and growth projection.

The Gameday Blueprint (TGB) concept ​in WOYA’s Seminal Circle format, help ​cultivate within the participant a ​blueprint for head-to-heart centered ​planning for future goal achievements. ​Like a mosaic. One’s life’s experiences ​become snapshots that become a ​foundation for a positive future journey. ​All within the framework of a unified ​network.

For women connecting, networking ​and partnering to achieve

economic success.

WOYA’s objectives for these forums of ​connections are:

1. To promote a more inclusive society.

2. Organize, understand and gain ​knowledge on requisite business skills and ​concepts necessary to promote ​participation in the formulation and ​implementation of resources for self-​development

3. To seek and develop gender ​mainstreaming strategies, focusing on ​gender analysis, gender responsive ​planning and gender strategic planning.

4. To promote inter-religious, inter-​ethnic, inter-geographical resonant ​friendships

5. To ensure that initiatives that are ​consistent with environmental ​agreements and multilateral ​commitments in best practices are ​available to women and youths of ​marginalized communities

6. To advocate and create awareness for ​women concerning issues around policies, ​human rights, gender limitations and ​overcoming the impact of community ​disparities.

7. To provide information and training ​support

8. To build a platform for grassroot ​positive action by women and youths

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The Beautiful WIngs Project

The Beautiful Wings Project (BWP) is a stand-alone specialized circles outreach focused on women that are

flowing back into society after time spent away in a health program or facility, veterans or women who had ​become homeless through domestic violence, trauma or other extreme economic circumstance

We offer business trainings, non-clinical mental health / well being check-ins within circles and fri​endship structures that are em​pathetic and non-judgmental.

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Teens & Youth in Marginalized ​Communities feel powerless and ​yearn for “MORE” in society.

Bleak Picture

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) 2019 data ​showed that teenage birth rates in the US for ​female teens between 15-19 years from minority and ​marginalized communities are as follows:

  • Hispanics- 25.3%
  • Blacks-25.8%
  • Whites-11.4%
  • Native Indians-29.2%

The above data shows that teen pregnancies, ​amongst other issues, contribute to high school ​dropout rates.

Only 50% of teen mothers receive a high ​school diploma by 22 years of age.

On top of that, the children of teen mothers ​are more likely to follow the same path. They ​are more likely to have:

  • Mental health issues
  • Become incarcerated,
  • Give birth as teens and
  • Face unemployment as young adults.

Teen pregnancies are not the only issues that ​plague teenagers of marginalized communities. ​There are a range of factors around them that ​foster less than positive outcomes which are ​due to racial, ethnic, gender-bias, economic ​and/or geographic disparities

What’s the bottom line?

Although there are efforts being made with teen ​pregnancy prevention programs, more grassroots ​positive social actions are required at community ​level to address the host of plagues that continue ​to challenge female teens, women and young ​adults.

WOYA’s programs are focused on driving self-​initiative aligned by group support. Encouraging ​partnerships and aspirational goals are the ​thematic vein of all meetings and activities.

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A strong network of ​empowerment circles ​makes “beyond ordinary” ​happen.

The impact of a support system that empowers cannot ​be over-emphasized.

  • Positive outcomes
  • A bedrock for goal creation and success
  • Endless possibilities for empowerment
  • Fosters grassroots connections
  • Offers myriad conciliation and conflict ​resolutions skills

Do you know what a CIRCLE is?

Have you ever been in an empowerment circle?

Have you ever experienced the power of a safe space—where you're truly seen, accepted, ​and compassionately heard? A space free from judgment or violence, where open hearts, ​support, and deep connections thrive? Join diverse women from all walks of life, ​backgrounds, ages, and locations, on an evolutionary journey that is transformative.

In our empowerment circles for connecting and networking, for professional or business ​growth, we emphasize that one’s personal journey doesn’t have to be solitary. It can be ​about joining a cohort of women who will cheer you on, offer support, and provide ​constructive feedback in a manner that celebrates and ignites your deepest potential. Isn’t ​that what we all want?

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History of SDG

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by all United Nations ​Member States in 2015, provides a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people ​and the planet, now and into the future. At its heart are the 17 Sustainable ​Development Goals (SDGs), which are an urgent call for action by all countries - ​developed and developing - in a global partnership.

They recognize that ending poverty and other deprivations must go hand-in-hand ​with strategies that improve well being, health and education, reduce inequality, and ​spur economic growth – all while tackling climate change and working to preserve our ​oceans and forests.


WOYA is fundamentally committed to ​creating empowerment circles of non-​judemental, effective communication where ​truth, compassion and support can be shared ​amongst participants on their human rights, ​access to development opportunities and the ​endless possibilities open for positive social ​action through individual and joint concerted ​efforts.

Group of People Standing on the Street Holding Placards
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WOYA: Positive Connections ~Grassroots Socio-Economic Inclusivity

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Becoming a member with WOYA offers members a chance to give back to society through the projects ​WOYA embarks upon while at the same time gaining value and benefits of relevance for their own lives.

WOYA’s projects create forums for networking and sharing practices that improve and invent other ​grassroots collaborations for empowerment in which women are at the center of certain community ​development paradigms.

Some of these support circles create outcomes that are recognized as human rights, both under domestic ​and international laws. These are fundamental basic needs, ranking next to food and shelter and are ​major safeguards to mental health, peace, human dignity and family life.

member tier 1: $250/year

$ 20.84/month

1 Free WOYA T-shirt

Business gets listed on website

Access to our small business ​start up trainings

1 business campaign can be ​listed on WOYA’s website for ​a year

member tier 2: $500/year


1 Free WOYA T-shirt

Business gets listed on website

Access to our small business ​start up trainings

Ongoing direct consulting for

3 months on direct and​ indirect digital media​ solutions​

1 business campaign can be​ listed on WOYA’s website for​ a year​

member tier 3: $1,000 /year


1 Free WOYA T-shirt

Business gets listed on website

Access to our small business ​start up trainings

Ongoing direct consulting for

6 months on direct and indirect ​digital media solutions

1 business campaign can be ​listed on WOYA’s website for a ​year

Customer success and account ​management training

Brand management consulting

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in pursuit of a society free of disparities.

Our vision is of a global neighborhood where there is equal opportunity, lack of gender bias and socio-​economic inclusivity. We are motivated by the belief that when teens, women and youth have ​dedicated circle-style forums for empowerment, training spaces for development and networking, ​platforms for collaboration or partnerships, they begin to chart a path to their success and for the ​evolution of the society they inhabit.

Some of these empowerment circles create outcomes that are recognized as human rights, both under ​domestic and international laws. These are fundamental basic needs, ranking next to food and shelter ​and are major safeguards to mental health, peace, human dignity and family life.

Your donation supports our work with teens, women and youth in the following ways:

  • To create teens support circles in different marginalized communities
  • To create non-judgmental women’s empowerment circles ( PPE, BWP, COI)
  • To carry out small business start up & professional solutions training
  • To establish women’s partnership and empowerment platforms within communities
  • Goes to pay for office operating costs
  • Goes to pay for our interns stipend

Thank you for your support.

We couldn’t do any of it without YOU.


Prospect Park, Brooklyn NY-BLM/George Floyd March 2020

Have you ever taken a moment to look at some of the most basic stats on teenage pregnancies? No? ​Well, ​that’s not surprising. You know what’s surprising? The actual numbers. I’ve outlined some of them ​​below.

Teenagers and young adults between the ages of 15 to 21 years old make up about twenty percent ​(20%) ​of the United States (US) population. That’s more than 82 million teens and young adults. ​Half of these ​teenagers and young adults are females.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 2019* data showed that teenage birth ​rates in the ​US for female teens aged 15–19 from minority and marginalized communities are as ​follows...Read On

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Connect with Us

Want to Participate in Circles? Just Call and Book your slot! Trainings? Send an Email for the Next One

Have Questions? Need More information? Reach out to us about anything. We’d love to hear from ​you.

Just CALL or SEND us a quick email:

Email: circles@ woyacentral.org

connect@ woyacentra​l.org

social media: @woyacentral

Websites: woyacentral.org


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Women and Youth Advancement Inc.

New York, NY 10007

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WOYA: Positive Connections ~Grassroots Socio-Economic Inclusivity

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Empowering Women and Youth Advancement: Join Our NGO with Support Circles, ​Empowerment, and Training Initiatives. Together, Let's Drive Inclusivity and Positive Change. ​#WomenEmpowerment #YouthAdvancement #NGO #Nonprofit #Empowerment #Training

Women and Youth Advancement Inc. (WOYA) is a 501(c)(3) public charity.

EIN: 93-3221522. Donations are tax-deductible

copyright@2023. All rights reserved